lördag 4 augusti 2007

I misss U

By now, you are probably at the plane to a warm Greece with many hot guys and sun, and just the Beach that I miss sooooo much, actually haven´t had it since I was in Greece myself about 7 weeks ago...! Then I was coloured and looked fresh and everything nice, but as soon as I came home to a rainy Sweden I´ve lost all my fresh skincolour.. =( HATE IT! But the wheaterpeople says that the sun comes next week, I definitley hope it does!

Back to Sis, I really hope that you are going to have such a wonderful time abroad, you are REALLY worth it! But at the same time I can´t wait until you come home (A)!
I´m already missing you.. you have become as good friend to me as many of my friends who I have known much much longer.. I just hope that we can keep up and stay friends for a long time although we live so far from each other.. Maybe you will move to Malmö some day ;)
Love you SIS!
AND HAVE FUN, you´ve earned it.


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